Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween - minus the costume

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Luke and I should have been more responsible with keeping track of Will's costume. There is no excuse at this point.

Here are the events leading up to lost costume.
  1. Boo at the Zoo - hot that day. Will decided he didn't want to wear costume. Fair enough. But we bring it anyway just in case.
  2. Panera - No real reason to wear costume while eating. No action taken.
  3. Tracie's - Had time between eating and a birthday party. No action taken. Well...that I remember.
  4. New house - Did Will even get out of the car?
  5. Kate's party - open door to get costume, get Will out. WAIT! WHERE IS THE COSTUME?!?!? Only the head of "Dinosaur Rex" remained.

And that was it. I tried to convince Will to be a baseball player since he wears a batters helmet every chance he gets but he wouldn't budge. But he finally gave in on Halloween night. -Sigh-

The group picture. As you can see, there is no organization here. Oh well.

Fraken-Luke and Witchy Pooh

What? It's the best I could do!

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