Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family Photo Shoot

We took some fun family photos this weekend (thanks to our photographer - Maricarol).

Will on the move!

Will is on the verge of crawling. As you can see in the very "amateur" video that he's trying (and getting frustrated). It still made us very proud.

Will being a "Ham"

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Hammy Fammy Weekend!

Every year the guys at enSYNC give us a vacation vouchure. It's pretty cool! One year we went to Mexico, last year to Napa Valley. But this year we knew we were not going to be able to jet off somewhere so we decided to just spend a weekend in Dallas. It was GREAT! I had a spa day, met up with an old friend and met Luke and Will for dinner at the Mansion at Turtle Creek - fancy shmancy!! Will did pretty good for his first night away from home. We had breakfast, did a little shopping then headed over to the Dallas World Aquarium. I think Will really enjoyed it. Even though he didn't quite understand it he definitely liked watching the bright fish swimming around. It was a wonderful weekend. Thanks enSYNC!

Will's Baptism

Will's baptism took place on Saturday, November 15. He did so good and even thought it was funny when Father Bristow poured the water over his head. My sister, Tracie, is Will's godmother and Luke's brother, Mark, is Will's godfather. Mark is currently stationed in Japan so my nephew and godson (Tracie's godson also) filled in for Mark. Thanks Devon!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm 5 months old!

Will is now 5 big boy months old. We try to take his picture on the 4th of every month (or a day before or after). Carly gave me this idea and it has been so cool to see how much he has changed from month to month. Here are a few for this month. I'll post all six months together next month.