Friday, April 30, 2010

We're Moving...Across the Street

No, it's not a joke. We are moving. And yes, across the street. After weeks of house hunting with no luck we started exploring the idea of building again. But building in the middle of Fort Worth (5 minutes from downtown) is not that easy. Unless of get a killer deal on a lot. Which we did. And you have a builder that will do the work cheap. Or free in this case!! Yes, it pays to be married to a builder.

The lot is small. Much smaller than our existing lot. But Will is still going to have a yard to play in. And fence!! This is not a long term house. In fact, I've even told Luke to put it on the market the day we move it. But we'll probably wait 1-2 years before we do that. I'm excited. I feel like I know more now about building a house than I did when we built the first one. My style has change alot too. Is it weird that I want white everything? Well, maybe not all white. We will just have to see how this progresses. I'll keep you all posted. Architect has all "my" requirements and will be working on plans this week. And yes, I said "my". Luke has told me on more than one occassion...just tell me what you want. Ok then! I'll post the drawings from the architect if I can get my hands on a copy. Stay tuned....

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Heart Faces Weekly Challenge: (Muddy) Smiles

I skipped the last three weeks challenge for two reasons...1) I don't cook, 2) short on time lately.

So I'm very happy to be participating this week. Of course, I went straight for the 1000s of pictures I had of Will for this challenge and then felt like I wanted to do something different. So I went through some pictures and found two smiles that worked great!

These two clowns (Cool Hand Luke and Brandon) have known each other since high school. They, 2 other high school buddies, Mark and Jose, and my sister's boyfriend, Jeff, were participating in the Fort Worth Mud Run. A race I will NEVER do!! I just don't have it in me. It's 6 miles of running and obstacles. Running to the mailbox to me is an obstacle! I think this picture said alot about how much fun they had even though it was a difficult race. Good job Mud Buds!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

All Grown Up...

For Devon's 13th birthday (which was back in November) we wanted to do pictures. There was a "hair" incident in November which is why we had to wait for it to grow out. But no worries, he's dad lived. It's hard to be believe that Devon is 13. He's been through so much but is your typical 13 year old. Playing baseball, throwing out attitude here and there, dedicated to Boy Scouts. An overall good kid!

We went to the Kimball Art Museum and snapped up some pictures of this teenager. It went really well and it was the first time I shot in manual mode for the majority of the time.

Devon looks like such a big kid now. And much like a big kid...he was over the session rather quickly. But we still got some handsome shots.

Did I mention that Will that's Devon is so cool.

Love ya kiddo! I mean teenager-o!