Friday, April 30, 2010

We're Moving...Across the Street

No, it's not a joke. We are moving. And yes, across the street. After weeks of house hunting with no luck we started exploring the idea of building again. But building in the middle of Fort Worth (5 minutes from downtown) is not that easy. Unless of get a killer deal on a lot. Which we did. And you have a builder that will do the work cheap. Or free in this case!! Yes, it pays to be married to a builder.

The lot is small. Much smaller than our existing lot. But Will is still going to have a yard to play in. And fence!! This is not a long term house. In fact, I've even told Luke to put it on the market the day we move it. But we'll probably wait 1-2 years before we do that. I'm excited. I feel like I know more now about building a house than I did when we built the first one. My style has change alot too. Is it weird that I want white everything? Well, maybe not all white. We will just have to see how this progresses. I'll keep you all posted. Architect has all "my" requirements and will be working on plans this week. And yes, I said "my". Luke has told me on more than one occassion...just tell me what you want. Ok then! I'll post the drawings from the architect if I can get my hands on a copy. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Brea said...

Whee!! How exciting! Can't wait to see your plans! We built our house 3 years ago and while I love it, there are always things that you would like to change after the fact!