Monday, January 4, 2010


It's over. But what a great season. Ok - so maybe it wasn't their best game but it still got all us fans pumped up and showing team loyalty. The venue was the Pour House. The place filled with purple, Fox 4 Sports and ESPN. Fox 4 politely came to our table and asked us to cheer. I simply replied - does my hair look ok? He replied yes. So we started to cheer! Even made the news!!!

(Tracie Mendiola, Terry Hammond, Carrie Kemmer)
(Photo by Devon Ramachandran - Thanks D!)

Good friends, decent food, frog football, TCU cupcakes and facebook made for a fantastic night.

Ah facebook. The rule was that we could FB during commercials but I'm pretty sure that rule was broken many times by all us gals and yours truly. Facebook friends filled the news feed with status updates about the frogs and the pathetic calls by the officials. Give me a break! Comments here and comments there - I loved communicating with everyone and seeing what everyone has to say. My favorite is when someone you are with posts something and you comment on their post even though you literally sitting right across the table from them. Luke even texted me at one point b/c it was so loud.

We left before the game was over. I was so anxious on the long 7 minute drive home. Jumped out of the car and ran inside to catch the last few minutes (football time) of the game. I'd walk out of the room nervous - Luke would call me back and in and tell me I have to watch. As the minutes, then seconds ticked off the clock I felt myself getting very nervous and restless. Then just like that...done. That is when the nausea set in. Then the need to Facebook - so theraputic. And then the need to blog.

Conclusion: Frogs may have lost but it was still a successful night for us. Go Frogs!! See ya next year!

(Maricarol Anderson, Terry Hammond, Tracie Mendiola, Carrie Kemmer)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...