First of all...I am soooo sorry that I haven't gotten to talk with everyone or visit. The last few days have been really rough and didn't go as planned. Also, all my email contacts are on my work computer and my account was disabled so I haven't been able to email anyone either.
We checked in Tuesday night...notice how I have color in the pre-delivery pictures...notice that I do not in the post delivery pictures...what gives!!
I was induced Wednesday morning (this all happened very fast) so we didn't have alot of time to prepare. Things were going pretty well (especially after the epidural) until it was time to deliver. The baby was in a position that was impossible to get him out and his heart rate was tanking after every contraction. I was rushed to the OR for an emergency c-section. I know doctors do this all the time...but when they started to panic and use words like "stat" and "hurry, hurry" and "we have to go RIGHT NOW"...Luke and I both started to get really scared. I was pretty drugged up but when Luke got to the OR room I felt so much better. The baby came out screaming and we were very happy.
Now, the drama continued. Baby was good but something was going on with me...I honestly can't tell you what it was but we could here the doctors and nurses discussing some things and even arguing a little. My heart rate also tanked...but all was good after a while. Again...I have no idea what was going on and neither did Luke. At this point, we don't care!!! We're both healthy.
William Luke Hammond was born on June 4, 08 at 3:16pm weighing 6lbs, 9oz, 18.5 inches. He's amazing and we're so in love with him.

Recovery is going slow. I'm not going to lie to you...I'm in a lot of pain!! We will be here until Sunday. We would stay here all month if they would let us. Luke is doing awesome and is a natural daddy. We're learning new things everyday about our little guy. He looks like both Luke and of course he's handsome!!!
I'll post more pictures when we can. And we'd love to see you all soon!! Please email us at so we can have your email information on this account. (Since I can't get to my work account!)
Thank you for your prayers and support. Talk to everyone soon!
Love, Terry, Luke and Will
How cool is it to be able to sign his name now? He is soooo incredibly gorgeous. Let me know if I can do anything for you guys.
Congratulations!! What a beautiful baby boy! C-section recovery is hard so don't be afraid to take the pain killers! They work wonders! Also, let me know if you need anything, the first few weeks can be hard but you will get through it!!
Your own baby changes the way you view life. Not quite so easy to focus on yourself anymore. I am proud for the both of you. You will be great parents. You have a wonderful baby.
God Bless!
Jay H.
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