This was one of the best nights ever! We had a Dr. appt early that morning. We had the tech seal the gender of the baby in an envelop. That night we went to Michael's - my favorite restaurant - ordered as fast as we could then opened the much anticipated envelop. We were expecting the news to be written on the card but it wasn't. So we're looking around and finally on the picture Luke reads - "It's a Boy!". We just started laughing and giggling from that moment on through dinner. Luke started calling the baby Will after that night. He still does so I guess he's pretty set on that name. But ya'll know me - I change my mind to much so I'm not committing to anything just yet. Haha! Although - I do like William Luke Hammond.
I LOVE the blog...and now you are absolutely commited to commenting on mine! So excited for you. You know me....love babies....love you....love Luke....love Will;-0...very happy....will quit typing now:-)
What a great pic! Your smile says it all.
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