Remember that post awhile back about us building a house across the street. Scratch that! We bought a fixer upper instead!! Here's the story...
We started working on plans for the new house but the lot was very challenging so we (I) couldn't agree on anything the architect came back with. So after countless "discussions" about it I told Luke I didn't think I really wanted to build...and he surprisingly agreed. This is where it gets interesting...
The next day I started looking for houses again. I found one in an area we love and the price was perfect! After looking at the listing and pictures I knew this house was going to be a challenge but that's what we wanted. So that very night we go see the house. There was someone there before our appt and after and the house already had an offer. We loved it! Will loved it so much he told the people coming to see if after us that it was "our house". So we told our realtor we were ready to make an offer. She said perfect and that she would head back to the office to make it. This is where it goes down hill...
We didn't hear back from our realtor (who as you remember was heading straight to the office) until 10:00pm that night. We had to get the offer in before morning b/c the seller was reviewing all contracts at that point. We made an offer we knew would get us the house!! And by 11:45pm, the contracts were signed and sent over. The next day we found out that our offer was not accepted. I was shocked. How could they refuse our offer. I beat myself up about it for days!! Come to find out...the listing agent never saw our offer until after a decision was made b/c it was put in so late. I was fuming!!! Here's where it gets promising...
I would periodically pass by the house just to torture myself. But on the following Saturday, my depression turned into hope! There was a guy working on the house. I asked Luke to go talk to him. Maybe he was the seller or the buyer. We were prepared to make the buyer an offer as well. Turns out, the guy was a realtor, Tri Golthwaite! AND works with my old boss Ken who I love! So we got to talking and told him to keep an eye out for other fixer uppers. And he gave us a small tip. It was very vague but I felt like he was the guy that was going to find us our house. He kept us informed on another house on the same block that he was working on. He was able to get us permission to see the house. We quickly started working on a remodel bid and getting folks out there to see how much it would cost to do repairs, etc. Keep in mind, the house isn't even on the market yet.
Tri was great about lettnig me bug him on a weekly basis to see if he had any information on the house yet. He was prepared to make an offer before it went on the market. He presented it to the listing agent and let them think about it for a few days. That was so painful! I was so nervous I couldn't concentrate!! Then when the end of the work day approached and I hadn't heard anything I realized that it wasn't meant to be...until the phone rang. Tri on the other end "Congratulations, its yours!" (Insert teenage girl freak out here) I couldn't believe it. When I told Luke he instantly went into work mode so his reaction was a little different.
What now...plans, demo, paint, brick repair, brick wash, flooring, windows, landscaping, etc. The big enchilada!!! I couldn't be happier. I am really looking forward to our life in this house. I will be posting pictures of it as the work starts.
Looking foward to showing you the after picture from this view.